58 км — 1050 грн.
33 км — 850 грн.
19 км — 700 грн.
Медаль фінішера — 200 грн
We invite you to join our holiday Fun Karpaty Dynafit Trail 2022, where you can enjoy the incredible panorama of the Ukrainian Carpathians, meet like-minded people and recharge your batteries.
Event shedule:
May 6 (Friday)
16:00 - start of the base camp (tent camp)
16:30 - 20:00 - registration of participants, issuance of starter packs.
May 7 (Saturday)
07:00 - 9:00 - registration and issuance of starter packs
08:00 - 09:30 - storage rooms work
09:30 - briefing
10:00 - start of the race for the distance "Long"
10:10 - start of the race for the distance "Middle"
10:20 - start of the race for the distance "Lite"
14:00 - end of control time for the distance "Lite", rewarding
15:00 - Bograč after party
17:00 - end of control time for the distance "Middle", rewarding
18:00 - awarding of winners and prize-winners
22:00 - end of control time for the distance "Long", rewarding
May 8 (Sunday)
09:00 - closing of the camp
The participant's package includes:
• starting number of the competitor
• cool photos from the best photographers
• gifts from sponsors
• drinking water, tea, pastries
• incredible atmosphere of competitions!
The participant's package does not include a finisher's medal. It can be ordered additionally.
- Bogdan
- Alexey
e-mail: [email protected]